
How To Display Lego Sets In Bedroom

Wondering how to declutter your LEGO collection? These clever LEGO display ideas will bear witness off your child's creations, get them off the floor, and provide attractive storage besides!

How to Display LEGO Sets

It'due south the sound every parent of a LEGO-loving child fears above all others.

CRASH. Then what sounds like hail hitting the wood floor and rolling under the refrigerator.

Followed quickly by a horrifying, loftier-pitched wail.

Then, the dreaded "Only I didn'tmean to!" that will pb to xx minutes of tears and sibling arguments.

How to display completed Star Wars LEGO sets

Building is the best part.

For my seven-year-sometime son, building LEGO sets is the best role; it's a rare solar day that he actually plays with them once he's spent hours creating them.

But for his five-year-onetime little sis? There'due south nothing quite similar pretending to be Rey while flying effectually her brother's latest Star Wars LEGO prepare.

Inevitably, she breaks it and he loses his LEGO-loving mind.

Although we have a proficient organization for organizing extra LEGO bricks, we've yet to implement whatever LEGO display ideas that will keep my son's precious creations abroad from his trivial sister.

But after Santa deliveredmore than LEGO sets for Christmas, something had to be done.

Get all those LEGO sets off the floor with these clever LEGO display ideas that will bear witness off your child'southward creations.

The reply for us was to buy a sturdy withal inexpensive bookshelf to feature all of his completed LEGO sets:

Brown bookcase for LEGOs in a boy's bedroom

A bookcase is just one of many unlike means to show off your LEGO collection, then allow's cheque out some other ideas…

How to Display LEGO Sets: 10 Ideas to Show Off and Shop Your Collection

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With a picayune digging effectually the web, I plant ten clever ways to display LEGO sets that will keep them condom from piddling siblings.

1. DIY Floating Shelves

These gorgeous DIY floating shelves provide loads of storage and brandish for LEGOs in a playroom.


2. Bookcase with Glass Doors

Transform an IKEA bookcase with glass doors into a LEGO display case! It's the perfect storage solution for big LEGO collections.


Related: How to Organize LEGOs Without Losing Your Mind

three. Bookcase with Sliding Shelves

The sliding shelves in this DIY LEGO display solution are awesome for creating piddling scenes and then safely sliding them away.


Related Reading: Where to Purchase LEGO Display Shelves for Completed Sets and Minifigures

iv. Underbed LEGO Table

A unproblematic piece of plywood with LEGO base plates is a great thought for playtime and storing completed sets!


5. Floating Crates

Y'all can DIY these floating crate shelves or paint and mountain inexpensive arts and crafts wood crates to display a LEGO collection on the wall.


6. Thrift Shop Bookcase

Look for basic bookcases at thrift shops and garage sales to create large-scale LEGO display – perfect for playrooms! Only be certain to mount the bookcases securely to the wall for safety!

Related: 30 Crawly LEGO Gifts For Your Favorite Main Builder

vii. LEGO Shelves

Apply those extra pieces to make shelves for LEGO sets! This is a beautiful thought for displaying small LEGO sets and acts as art, too.


8. DIY Sheet Rack + Minifigure Shelves

Modeled after a commercial baker's sheet rack, this DIY shelf incorporates shelves that slide out, plus fiddling ledges to display minifigures.

9. Big Box Shop Adjustable Wall Shelves

Take a trip to your local Home Depot and pick up basic adjustable wall shelves. Mount them low for easy admission, or high to keep them abroad from little hands.


x. Drinking glass Cloche Brandish

A glass cloche is a pretty, decorative style to display a tiny but elaborate LEGO set. Larn how to make your ain glass cloche in my 5-infinitesimal tutorial!

Which LEGO Display Solution is Right For Your Collection?

With so many awesome ideas for showing off LEGO models and mini-figures, you're certain to detect one that volition work for your space and your child's collection. Keep in listen that LEGOs seem to replicate like bunnies! The collection may be small at present, just afterward a few birthday parties, it'southward certain to grow. All the more reason to use one of these clever ways to keep precious LEGO sets away from little siblings' grabby hands!


Continue LEGO instruction manuals organized in a binder! Sign up to get this gratuitous printable binder cover plus access to many others in my resource library!

Read these next!

LEGO sets and minifigures displayed on shelves with text overlay "The Best Shelves for LEGOs and Where to Buy Them"
How to organize LEGOs the best way

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