
How To Set Up Your Own Web Server

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Ever wanted to setup your ain web server to host a website or share files with family? Creating a web server is really easy to do and nosotros'll show yous everything yous need to get started.

In this tutorial, we'll install all of the components required for setting up of a web server on a ServerMania server. This will setup all of the bones components of a web server. If you lot will be hosting many sites, or want more robust site management, you should install a control panel like cPanel instead.

See Also: How to Utilize Magento for eCommerce

Why should I utilise an external server for my web server instead of a computer in my house?

There are many reasons why you should use a ServerMania Hybrid or Dedicated Server to set up your spider web server instead of setting upward a spider web server at habitation

  • Price:While information technology may sound cheaper to utilize that computer lying around doing nothing when creating your spider web server, when you factor in the toll of powering an sometime computer 24 hours a twenty-four hours, information technology tin become very expensive. A 250W desktop estimator running 24 hours per day at 12 cents per KW/h is a whopping $262.00 per yr!Not to mention the costs of internet, hardware replacement, etc. It is much cheaper to rent a ServerMania server each month in the long run.
  • Reliability:Consumer grade internet and estimator hardware are not designed for the stresses of 24x7 usage and connections from around the globe. ServerMania on the other manus, uses enterprise grade hardware and connections to ensure everyone tin connect to your server at lightning fast speeds.
  • Support:One of the major drawbacks of hosting your own website is that you are responsible for any support issues. With ServerMania, you lot get 24x7 support included with every server and then you know we're always hither if you lot demand help.

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Components of a Web Server

There are several major components to setting upwards a spider web server: This is oftentimes referred to as theLAMP Stack.

Linux:The operating system behind the LAMP stack is Linux. Information technology's a lightweight and secure Os, making it i of the most popular choices for the best spider web servers.

Apache:This is the software used to power the HTTP protocol which delivers spider web content from the server to the spider web browser.

MySQL:A pop database engine used for database driven websites.

PHP:A pop linguistic communication of many websites, PHP is required for popular website scripts like WordPress.

What You'll Need

Get started past ordering a ServerMania Hybrid or Defended Server. You can use coupon lawmaking KB4KDO0L9 for a 10% lifetime discount.

System Requirements

The system requirements for setting up a personal web server depend on the type of sites you lot intend to run. The minimum requirements are as follows:

  • A ServerMania Hybrid or Dedicated Server
  • CentOS 7+
  • 512MB RAM
  • 2GB Deejay Space

Database driven sites may require greater system resource to run effectively.


These instructions will work on Ubuntu / Debian Linux. Commands may vary on other distributions.

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Connect to root via SSH to your ServerMania server.

ssh [e-mail protected]

Footstep 2: Install utilities wget,screen, and unzip which are required to execute the installation script:

apt-get -y install wget screen git

Pace 3: Download the LAMP installation script from github using wget:

git clone

Step iv: Modify into the lamp-master binder:

cd lamp

Step 5: Set the installation script to exist executable:

chmod +x *.sh

Step 6: Open a screen to start the installation procedure:

screen -S lamp

Step 7: Execute the install script:


Pace 8: Complete the following steps during the install process:

  1. Choose an apache version. We recommend the latest version listed.
  2. Select the database yous wish to install. We recommend MySQL and selecting the latest version.
  3. Click enter to employ the default MySQL data directory
  4. Enter a MySQL root countersign
  5. Select a PHP version. We recommend selecting the latest version.
  6. Install any required PHP modules. php-imagick is a good option if you're not certain what you need.
  7. Select ane to install PHPMyAdmin
  8. Press any key to begin the install process

Managing Web Server Components

Now that your LAMP stack is installed, yous tin can use these commands to start, stop, and restart components of the web server:


service httpd (commencement|stop|condition|restart)


service mysqld (outset|stop|condition|restart)

Creating a New Site

Now that the LAMP stack is installed, you tin can now setup your first website on the web server.

The following command will add a site to your apache configuration file:

lamp add

Follow the steps in the script, providing the domain proper name and database information (if required).

You can now add files to the directory of your website. The default directory is:


You lot can apply the scp control from your local machine to upload files to the directory:


For those looking to setup a spider web server on Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2022, or Windows Server 2022, the post-obit steps can exist followed.

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Open up the Server Manager

Search for and open the server manager.

Step ii: Click Manage > Add Roles and Features

Click Manage and then click Roles and Features

Step 3: Click Adjacent

Click next on the first step of the install process.

Pace four: Click Next

Click Next

Step 5: Select the server and click Next

Click Next after selecting the IIS Server.

Step 6: Select Web Server and click Next

Select the web server component and click next.

Stride 7: Click Side by side

Click Next

Step 8: Click Adjacent

Click Next

Step 9: Click Next

Click Next

Step 10: Click Install

Click Install

Managing the Server

You can at present open up the IIS Managing director. If you lot click on the Sites link and click Explore, you can view the web root binder and motion any site files to this location.

You lot can and then visit your servers main IP to access your site, or follow the instructions beneath to point a domain to the server.

Open IIS Manager

Pointing a Domain to the Web Server

Yous will demand to login to the admin interface at your domain registrar. Our tutorial did non setup any nameservers on the server, then you lot will demand to use an external nameserver provider. Most domain registrars provide this for gratis.

Merely copy the IP accost of your server into the A record of the domain name DNS zone file.

In one case you point the A record of the domain to your servers public IP address, the data in this folder will be visible for users in their browser.


Y'all have at present setup your web server. You can now install popular software to your web server similar WordPress, or upload files to the server for download past users.

How To Set Up Your Own Web Server,


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